2 Introduction to the Relational Model

The relational model is the primary model for commerical data processing applications.

2.1 Structure of the Relational Databases

  1. A relational database consits of tables

  2. generally, a row in a table represents a relationship among a set of values

  3. RELATION - a table

  4. TUPLE - a row

  5. ATTRIBUTE - a column in a table

  6. RELATIONAL INSTANCE - refers to a specific instance of a relation, or a specific set of rows

    • ordered or unordered does NOT matter as long as the same relations are in the set

\[\\[.1cm]\] g. DOMAIN - set of permitted values for an attribute of a relation

  Ex. the domain of salary attribute of the instructor relation is the set of all possible salaries. 
  1. NULL VALUES - signifies that a value is UNKNOWN or does not exist
    • best not to have null values as they will cause difficulties updating & accessing database

2.2 Database Schema

  1. DATABASE SCHEMA - the logical design of the database

  2. DATABASE INSTANCE - snapshot of the data in the database at a given time

  3. RELATIONAL SCHEMA - list of attributes & their corresponding domains

    • relational instance - the value of a variable at a given time –> may change

    • relational schema does not change

    • relational instance and schema are often used interchageably

      Ex. instructor may mean instructor schema or instructor instance!!!


2.4 Schema Diagrams

  1. SCHEMA DIAGRAM - depicts a database schema, all the keys, etc.
    • relations are represented by BOXES w/name on top and attributes listed inside the box
    • primary keys are UNDERLINED
    • foreign key constraints are ARROWS from foreign key attribute of referencing relation to the primary key of the referenced table
    • referential integrity constraints are TWO-HEADED ARROWS

Example of a Schema Diagram

2.5 Relational Query Language

  1. QUERY LANG. - a language in which a user request info. from database

  2. IMPERATIVE QUERY LANG. - user instructs the system to perform a specific sequence of operations on the database to compute the desired results

  3. FUNCTIONAL QUERY LANG. - the computation is expressed as the evaluation of functions that may operate on the data or results of other functions

  4. DECLARATIVE QUERY LANG. - user describes the desired info. w/o giving a specific instructions or function calls for obtaining the info.

    • desired info. is usually expressed in some form of mathematical logic

Usually query lang. such as SQL have elements of all 3 approaches.

2.6 Relational Algebra

  1. RELATIONAL ALGEBRA - set of operations that take one or two relations as input & produce a new relation
    • unary operations - operate on ONE relation

      Ex. select, project, & rename operations 
    • binary operations - operate on a pair of relations

         Ex. cartesian product, union, set-difference 

Binary and unary operations can be combined in relational algebra expressions.


  1. SELECT - choose rows that satisfy a given predicate
    • denoted by \(\sigma\) & predicate as a subscript to \(\sigma\)
    • relation is in parenthese after \(\sigma\)
    • Ex. \(\sigma\)dept_name=‘physics’ (instructors) selects rows of instructor table where instructor is in the Physics department
    • selection allows mathematical operators
    • Ex. \(\sigma\)salary>90000 (instructors)
    • selction allow connectives (and, or, not)
    • selection allows comparison btw 2 attributes
    • Ex. \(\sigma\)dept_name=‘building’ (instructors) finds all departments whose name is the same as their building


  1. PROJECT - returns a table w/certain attributes left out
    • denoted by \(\Pi\)
    • desired attributes are listed in subscript
    • table argument follows in parenthese
    • Ex. \(\Pi\)ID,name,salary (instructors)
    • project allows operations
    • Ex. \(\Pi\)ID,name,salary/12 (instructors) returns monthly salary


  1. CARTESIAN-PRODUCT - combines info. from 2 tables
    • denoted by X, a cross


  1. UNION - all rows that appear in either or both of 2 tables
    • denoted by U, union symbol
    • Ex. \(\Pi\)course_ID (\(\sigma\)semester=‘Fall’^year=2017(Section)) U \(\Pi\)course_ID (\(\sigma\)semester=‘Spring’^year=2018(Section)) retunn all the courses taught in Fall 2017, Spring 2018, or both

For union to work:

  1. both tables must have teh same arity (# of attributes)

  2. if attributes have associated types, they must be the same for both tables

If 1 & 2 are satisfy, we call the tables compatible relations.

  1. INTERSECTION - find rows in both tables

  2. SET-DIFFERENCES - find rows in one table but are not in another

    • denoted by -
    • Ex. \(\Pi\)course_ID (\(\sigma\)semester=‘Fall’^year=2017(Section)) - \(\Pi\)course_ID (\(\sigma\)semester=‘Spring’^year=2018(Section)) finds all courses taught in Fall 2017 but not in Spring 2018


  1. ASSIGNMENT - works like assignment in a programming lang.
    • denoted by backward arrow, <-
    • evaluation of an assignment does NOT result in any relation being displayed to the user
    • instead the result is assigned to a table variable
    • assignments are TEMPORARY; assignments to permanent tables is a database MODIFICATION

Only the final line displays the result. The 2 lines before assigns query results to a temporary relation.
  1. summary:

Relational Algebra Operators